Friday, February 20, 2009


Source: Anonymous Patriot on the net

  • In October 1994 LTTE destroyed the MV Ocean Traderoff Vettilaikerni
  • In June 1995 LTTE destroyed the MV Sea Dancer off Kankesanturai
  • In August 1995 LTTE attacked the MV Lanka Muditha off Kankesanturai
  • In August 1995, the LTTE hijacked and looted the MV Irish Mona off Mulaithivu.
  • In April 1996, the LTTE staged an abortive attack on the port of Colombo and damaged three foreign owned vessels.
  • In August 1996, the LTTE blasted the Philippine registered MV Princess Wavewith underwater explosives while it was loading mineral sands at Pulmoddai. The cargo was for a Japanese consignee. 15 soldiers were killed.
  • In May 1997, the LTTE blasted MV Athena, a Greek registered bulk carrier while in anchor in Trincomalee.
  • In July 1997, the LTTE set fire to a 500 seat passenger ferry MV Mission, an Indonesian flagged vessel, transporting Tamil civilians from Mannar to Jaffna.
  • In July 1997, the LTTE captured the North Korean registered, flagged, and crewed MV MorangBong, a 3000 ton general cargo vessel, which was anchored off Point Pedro. It had delivered a consignment of food to the Jaffna peninsula.
  • In September 1997, the LTTE captured a Panama-registered, Chinese owned MV Cordiality, a bulk carrier, which was transporting essential food cargo. 5 Chinese crew members were killed.
  • In August 1998, the LTTE hijacked the Indian owned MV Princess Kashoff Mullaittivu. The 6000 ton ship, chartered from Dubai based Goodwill company was transporting cement, dry food rations and vehicles for civilian use in Jaffna.
  • In July 1999, LTTE destroyed the MV NewcoEnduranceat Trincomalee Harbour
  • In September 1999, LTTE attacked the MV Juliaoff North of Mullativu
  • In June 2000, LTTE destroyed the MV MercsUhanaoff Point Pedro
  • In September 2001, LTTE attacked the MV Prideoff Point Pedro
  • In October 2001, LTTE attacked the MT Dunhindaoff Point Pedro
  • In March 2003, a Chinese fishing trawler namedFu-Yuan was captured and was exploded by the LTTE, killing 20 of its crew members.
  • In December 2006, the LTTE attacked the Jordanian vessel MV Farah IIIand looted the ship.
  • In January 2007, MV Liverpooldelivering relief supplies to Jaffna was attacked off Point Pedro.


  1. Ananda-USA and fellow patriots,
    Whether we disseminate propaganda on behalf of our beloved Lanka in the form of letters to the editor of a newspaper, comments in online newspapers and magazines, or comments provided on a TV/Radio program, we need to be acutely aware of basics of propaganda to have a lasting effect on the audience for such material.

    Propaganda is a story-forming/story-telling technique used to impact an audience in specific ways, often employed to instigate deliberation and/or action. Propaganda is a wondrous and dangerous story device. Its primary usage in stories is as a method for an author to impact an audience long after they have experienced the story itself. Through the use of propaganda, an author can inspire an audience to think certain ways, think about certain things, behave certain ways, and take specific actions. Like fire and firearms, propaganda can be used constructively and destructively and does not contain an inherent morality. Any morality involved comes from the minds of the author and his audience. We clearly understand the true morality of helping our beloved motherland at this hour of her greatest peril.

    In its most basic form, propaganda is a way for authors to have an audience share their point of view. Knowing (or preparing) your audience can have a tremendous effect on how your propaganda will impact them. Here are some rules of thumb:

    * The more specific the symbols you use to encode your story, the more limited an audience it will affect. The less specific the symbols, the greater potential audience.

    * The more specific the symbols used to encode the story, the greater the likelihood it will have an impact on the portion of the audience that understands the symbols. The less specific the symbols, the less impact the story will have.

    * The more familiar an audience is with the symbols used to encode a story, the more susceptible they are to propaganda. The less familiar, the less susceptible.

    So we need to customize our presentation based on the country/region the audience resides in. For this to be effective we need to encode specific symbols that ring true in the culture of the audience. I think it will be useful if different patriots that have resided in a specific country provide lists of symbols/phrases that stimulate the average person of that country. As for myself, having resided in good old USA for a fairly long time, I have a list of symbols/phrases I use in day to day dissemination of news pertaining to Sri Lanka to Americans. You need to weave these symbols around the meat of your presentation, certainly at the beginning and the end, but even in the middle where the actual information resides. Here are some of the symbols/phrases/anecdotes I use:

    1. Sri Lanka has an unbroken tradition of democratic governments since it’s independence from Britain. Our military has always been subservient to the civilian leadership just as it’s been in US.
    2. We had the world’s first women head of state. Especially useful if the audience is female or liberal minded.
    3. Our governments have always been friendly to America. Our people love and admire Americans for their culture, love of liberty, and ingenuity. To reinforce this point I throw in an anecdote about the American neighbor I had in Sri Lanka who used to be a pilot for Air Lanka in the old days and how we had such friendly neighborly relationships including the wife of the dude always returning our Cricket ball to us with a smile whenever it went over their wall, where as some grumpy Lankan neighbors used to confiscate them.
    4. One of the first Americans to become much loved by us was Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (August 2, 1832 – February 17, 1907) was the founder and first president of the Theosophical Society; he was the first well-known person of European ancestry to make a formal conversion to Buddhism. His subsequent actions as president of the Theosophical Society helped create a renaissance of study of Buddhism. He is still honored in Sri Lanka for these efforts.
    5. Our love of wildlife and nature, including how our kings set aside wild life sanctuaries, our rich history of tamed Elephants running back to Kandula some 2000 years ago, and the Buddhist philosophy of not harming animals. This especially appeal to environmentally conscious.
    6. The religious freedoms enjoyed by all Sri Lankans including probably the only country where you get a holiday for each and every major Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, and Muslim religious holiday.
    7. We are a small country, but is a major participant in the Global War on Extremism (which replace Global War on Terror recently).
    8. LTTE is the terrorist organization that invented suicide bombings. They passed this technology to Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.


  2. Fantastic!!

    facts facts facts!!!

    BTW MV ocean trader = sagarawardana???

  3. we should make a good article on all these with and start to forward them on whole scale
