What "Political Solution" is there in a DEMOCRACY, except EQUAL RIGHTS & EQUAL RESPONSIBILITIES as citizens? Sri Lankan Tamils had these before this conflict began over three decades ago. Now they want exclusive rights in a mono-ethnic racist aparthied state reserved only to themselves. That will never be allowed in Sri Lanka. You Indians give different caste, race, language and religious groups different rights in your own country, and destroy it from within, but we Sri Lankans will never allow that. India is beset by 13 major insurgencies, endemic caste warfare, separatist nationalist movements, and religious discord, yet you PRESUME to know how to advise Sri Lanka! What IDIOCY! What HYPOCRISY! INDIA HEAL THYSELF before you breakup into many warring vulnerable nations! Your illiterate & destitute citizens need enlightened leaders following in the footsteps of the Lord Buddha, Dharma-Asoka & Mahatma Gandhi NOW!
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