Sadhu Ravi Shankar should stay in India and help the Indian people overcome the endemic discrimination based on caste, creed, language, and poverty, instead of trying to preach to the people of Sri Lanka. He should somehow convince the Brahmins to reach out to the Dalits, enable access to water resources, education and jobs to all impoverished people in India, including both Brahmins and Dalits. After he solves those problems, he can move onto getting the 13 major separatist groups tearing India apart to give up their internecine warfare and work towards a unified India. We have eliminated most discrimination based on caste, sex, religion and ethnicity in Sri Lanka, and don't need his services as badly as India does. We don't need another sage STIRRING THE POT over here in Sri Lanka. PLEASE Sadhu, STAY IN INDIA! There is no Popular Demand for you in Sri Lanka!
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