INDIA HAS NO DUTY TO TAMILS IN SRI LANKA: India and Sri Lanka are sovereign nations and neither India nor anyone else has a right to interfere in what is essentially an internal matter. Yet, India asserts a duty to guarantee the Tamils of Sri Lanka. These two positions are CONTRADICTORY. If the second duty is to be FULFILLED, then the first truth must be VIOLATED! If these CONTRADICTORY PRINCIPLES are applied to India by PAKISTAN & BANGLADESH on behalf of over 200 million Indian Moslems, and by CHINA on behalf of the Mongoloid peoples of the Northeastern and Northwestern states of India, the INTEGRITY & SOVEREIGNTY of INDIA will be at RISK because each of them will ASSERT a DUTY to certain communities in INDIA and will intervene in Indian affairs. Likewise, INDIA HAS NO DUTY TO TAMILS IN SRI LANKA...THAT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SOVEREIGN NATION OF SRI LANKA.
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