There are two basic goals of the Blog: Create a ONE STOP Repository of Information, and the Writing Tools necessary for members to easily and rapidly prepare documents for submission to targeted news websites and other institutions in the defense of Sri Lanka, and 2. Create an army of patriotic volunteers who individually and collaboratively will write and submit those documents as the need arises.
There are three categories of members of this Blog: Bloggers, Blog Authors, and Blog Admins.
BLOGGERS are able to read ARTICLES posted by Blog Authors and COMMENT on them, as well as read and respond to comments written by other Bloggers. In this sense, Bloggers have all the privileges they would enjoy at a Blog such as DefenceWire. The act of writing of a COMMENT, is also the way to PRODUCE A DOCUMENT that you intend to submit to a news media website, or for some other purpose. You are encouraged to leave that document at the Blog as a Comment for the use and review by others, although you have the freedom to delete it.
When you login to the Blog, you will be at the Home Page of the Blog, which presents a list of Articles written most recently, irrespective of Topic Area. If you are interested in Articles belonging to a particular Topic Area, you can click on the link for that Topic Area in the right hand column of the Blog, and get a listing of all of the Articles in that Topic Area with the most recent Article presented first.
All Bloggers should please note that the COMMENT you submit is associated only with the ARTICLE immediately above it. The TOPIC AREA of the ARTICLE has been pre-selected by the Blog Author of that Article. Therefore, selecting the ARTICLE you want to Comment on also determines the TOPIC AREA of the article. To write a COMMENT on an Article, click on the "comments" link in the blue area in the right hand bottom corner of the Article, to access the Comment Window, write your comment, review it, and Post the Comment by clicking on the button in the bottom left hand corner.
Blog AUTHORS should POST the ARTICLES they write in the proper TOPIC AREA relevant to the content of the article. To create an Article, click on the New Post link in the right hand corner of the navigation bar at the top of the Blog webpage to access the Article Editor. The TOPIC AREA can then be selected from the drop down list link on the bottom left hand side of the editing window. Write your Article, review it, spellcheck it, enhance the formatting consistent with that of the Blog as a whole, and when satisfied, you can Publish it by clicking on the PUBLISH POST button in the bottom left hand corner of the Editor. Using this Editor, you can also add Images and Videos to your Article, taking care to ensure that these graphics files are small, because disk space is limited!
For example, if you have general suggestions regarding Administration & Content of this Blog, Bloggers should submit that as a Comment on an Article in ADMINISTRATION & HELP Topic Area. Blog Authors, can do the same and submit a Comment on an existing Article in this ADMINISTRATION & HELP Topic Area, or if the subject of the article is either new, or sufficiently important, they can create an entirely new Article in the ADMINISTRATION & HELP Topic Area as previously described.
Blog ADMINS have additional authority to create and delete Blogger Access Accounts, delete Articles and Comments, modify Security Features, modify the Blog Layout, create and delete Topic Areas, and add additional Blog services.
The initial selection of the Blog Authors was made on the basis of two criteria: 1. Demonstrated committment to the defence of Sri Lanka at the DefenceWire.blogspot.com blog, and 2. Demonstrated willingness to write substantial well thoughtout articles at the DefenceWire blog.
We will continue to convert more and more Bloggers into Blog Authors as they demonstrate an interest and committment to becoming a Blog Author by regularly writing Articles to be freely used by others. Certain Comments made by Bloggers may be of sufficient significance to be converted into an Article; a Blog Admin will assist in doing that.
The number of Blog Admins will be necessarily small. Some of them will be specialists in computer networking and internet security, others well versed in web design, and still others will be people who are sufficiently well informed about the Blog sphere to identify security threats and guide the development of the Blog and its programs. In all of this, intimate interaction between all three groups of Blog members will be critical to the success of the Blog, with various Blog members being cycled through all three member groups.
The long term vision is to make the Blog a self sustaining collaborative enterprise, associated with and constituting a part of a full-fledged website, that does not depend on any one person for its continued operation on a permanent basis, and continually renews itself with the influx of younger members taking over the burden from the older members, to give it life beyond that of its founders.
This Blog, then, is a collaborative enterprise by patriotic Bloggers, Blog Authors and Blog Admins dedicated to the goal of ensuring that our Motherland will long endure as One Nation of One People, with One Destiny.
Thank you for your participation!
Ananda-USA and other patriots,
ReplyDeleteI propose that we add a new topic to address future threats to the national security of our homeland. We should be able to simulate various scenarios, their effects, and how we can preempt such problems or how we can react if we have to. As it develops, we should be able to take it to the next level, i.e. to the national security council. Regardless, we should promote our government to be proactive in preventing such future problems