The Sethu Samudram Canal project, advocated by Tamil Nadu, proposes to create a sea channel through the Palk Strait, lying entirely within Indian sea territory, that would enable ships to avoid going around Sri Lanka to ports along the East Coast of India.
In my judgment, the Sethu Samudram canal will be built no matter what objections, if any, that Sri Lanka raises, because it will be built in Indian territory, with Indian funds. Sri Lanka should be looking to proactively cope with the fallout of its construction. The current objections raised by Indians arise mainly from Hindu zealots who wish to preserve the "bridge" built by Hanuman in the Ramayana epic, central to Hinduism, unaltered by human hands. In my view, saner Indian minds driven by economic, military and political factors will ultimately prevail and the Sethu Samudram canal will be built in some form in the future.
This project will have significant Economic, Security, Environmental, and Political implications for Sri Lanka, that Sri Lanka must anticipate and prepare to accommodate effectively.
Economically, this would reduce the need for ships to berth at Sri Lankan ports, and will afford additional porting alternatives to ships crossing the Indian Ocean. That would reduce future income for Sri Lanka. This economic impact would be offset to a very small extent by increased utility of ports on the West coast north of Mannar, the Jaffna peninsula, and the East Coast north of Trincomalee. I think, it would negatively impact any income to be derived from a rapid expansion of the Trincomalee harbour to handle ship repairs and ship construction in the future, as I had proposed in an earlier article at this blog, and elsewhere.
From a Security and Political Perspective, we must anticipate India placing greater emphasis on security of this region, because this channel affords India a method of more rapidly transferring military assets by sea between the East and West Coasts of India. In this regard, we note that in the past, the Sri Lanka Navy was faced with the same problem. The Sri Lanka Navy purchased Hovercraft ships that rode on an air-cushion above the water surface to ferry troops and supplies from Colombo to Jaffna directly across the shallow Palk Strait that could not be navigated by ordinary deep-draft vessels. This would have avoided either shipping the same cargo around Sri Lanka, or transporting that cargo first by land to Trincomalee, and then by ship to Jaffna. The military advantage of such a sea channel to India, with defence concerns on both sides of its land mass is great. As such, the Federal Government of India is likely to back this project very strongly.
The security impact on Sri Lanka of the Sethu Samudram Canal being built, however, is partially conditioned on Tamil Nadu remaining within the Indian orbit. Given the separatist tendencies of Tamil Nadu politicians, and their oft declared Aryan-phobicity, that is by no means certain. Also, these longer-term considerations could explain the consistently persistent support by Tamil Nadu politicians for Eelam in Sri Lanka: They may be anticipating an existence separate from India, and want to permanently secure both ends of this sea channel for their own use by incorporating Eelam as a part of a future Greater Dravidian Nation (GDN). The southern and northern sea coasts of such a GDN independent of the rest of India, will be able to communicate freely along its entire coast only if the Sethu Samudram canal is built.
This also underscores why Sri Lanka must never devolve power to the North and the East on an ethnic basis, because the GDN will rely on the ethnic Tamil leaders of the North and the East to enable them to secure the Sri Lanka end of the Sethu Samudram sea channel. These objectives can be realized only by keeping the Eelam pot boiling in Sri Lanka, even after the current war is ended in Sri Lanka.
Therefore, it is essential that
- The population of Sri Lanka is homogenized as quickly as possible to eliminate ethnic demographic concentrations that can be exploited by its future enemies,
- That Sri Lanka develops a large and permanent defense force, including a strong coastal defense, that is capable of preventing any encroachment and insurgent activity along its shores. This should include a large and highly capable permanent defense force of 500,000, supported by a 4,000,000 man National Guard including every able bodied adult in the country.
- Sri Lanka moves rapidly to develop and capture for Trincomalee the premier position as the preferred place in the Indian Ocean for ship repair, shipbuilding, and container shipping. This may require a substantial investment in iron, steel and specialty metals manufacturing, cold storage facilities for perishable commodities, in heavy equipment manufacturing, and fuel storage and refining facilities as well. Sri Lanka should make various incentives available to the international shipping industry, to register their ships under the Sri Lanka flag, just as Panama and Greece did in the past.
- Sri Lanka evaluates the development of a deep-water Canal through the Palk Strait lying entirely within Sri Lankan maritime territory to capture a part of the income from the ship traffic through the Palk Strait. If the Indian canal is halted because of Hindu religious opposition in India, Sri Lanka would become the sole provider of access through the Palk Strait. In fact, Sri Lanka should volunteer to replace the Indian project with a Sri Lankan project and get the financing for the project from India, on the condition that this would remain sovereign Sri Lankan asset, and not an International waterway. The advantage of doing this is that, since such a canal would be built anyway with or without Sri Lanka's participation, why not acquire the entire project and derive a stream of income from usage fees in perpetuity? There may be some adverse security implications, in that India may feel the need to seize the canal and land in Sri Lanka to defend it, should some conflict in the future require sole use for India's defence against any other country. If the Sri Lankan canal is in addition to a canal built in Indian territory, that need would be significantly reduced. It is important to appreciate here that both the construction of the canal, and keeping it clear of obstructions due to the movement and deposition of marine sediments by periodic dredging, is a costly, fulltime undertaking, that must be more than offset by the income from usage fees, to provide the necessary financial incentive. As a result, the construction and operation of two canals in Indian and Sri Lankan waters is unlikely to be financially viable, especially if the bulk of the traffic is of Indian origin and chooses to the Indian canal.
Sri Lanka needs to develop a National Policy to anticipate, counter and defuse the Economic, Security and Political impacts of the Sethu Samudram Canal Project as an urgent National Priority.
(From Wikipedia.org website )
Sethusamudram Ship Channel Project proposes linking the Palk Bay and the Gulf of Mannar between India and Sri Lanka by creating a shipping channel through the shallow sea sometimes called Setu Samudram, and through the island chain of Adam's Bridge, also known as ram sethu. This would provide a continuous navigable sea route around the Indian Peninsula. The project involves digging a 44.9 nautical mile (83 km) long deepwater channel linking the shallow water of the Palk Strait with the Gulf of Mannar. Conceived as early as 1860 by Alfred Dundas Taylor, it recently received approval of the Indian government. Government of India plans to break limestone shoals called Ram's Bridge or Ram sethu as part of implementation of this project. A few organizations are opposing damage to Ramasethu on religious,environmental and economical grounds. Many of these parties or organizations support implementation of this project using one of the 5 alternative alignments considered earlier without damaging a structure considered sacred by Hindus. Current alignment is planned as Mid-ocean channel which is unprecedented. Other famous shipping canal projects like Suez Canal and Panama Canal projects are land based channels.
Due to shallow waters, Sethusamudram presents a formidable hindrance to navigation through the Palk strait. Though trade across the India-Sri Lanka divide has been active since at least the first millennium BCE, it has been limited to small boats and dinghies. Larger ocean going vessels from the West have had to navigate around Sri Lanka to reach India' eastern coast. Eminent British geographer Major James Rennell, who surveyed the region as a young officer in late eighteenth century, suggested that a "navigable passage could be maintained by dredging the strait of Ramisseram". However little notice was given to his proposal, perhaps because it came from "so young and unknown an officer", and the idea was only revived 60 years later. Efforts were made in 1838 to dredge the canal, but did not succeed in keeping the passage navigable for any vessels except those with a shallow draft.
Possibly conceived in 1860 by Commander A. D. Taylor of the Indian Marines, the project has been reviewed many times over the years but no decision was ever made. It was part of the election manifestos of all political parties during elections. The Union Government of India appointed the Sethu Samudram Project Committee in 1955, headed by Dr. A. Ramasamy Mudaliar, which was charged with the duty of examining the desirability of the project. After evaluating the costs and benefits, this committee found the project feasible and viable. However it has strongly recommended land based passage instead of channel cutting through Ram's bridge due to several advantages of land based passage like Shifting sandbanks, Ability to prevent navigational hazards etc. Several reviews of the proposals followed. Finally, the United Progressive Alliance Government of India headed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh announced the inauguration of the project on July 2, 2005.
The strategic advantages to India derive from obtaining a navigable sea route close to the coast, with a reduction in travel distance of more than 350 nautical miles (650 km) (for larger ships). The project is expected to provide a boost to the economic and industrial development of coastal Tamil Nadu. The project will be of particular significance to Tuticorin harbour, which has the potential to transform itself into a nodal port. The State Government has announced its proposal to develop 13 minor ports, including Ennore, Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, Thondi, Valinokam, Kolachel and Kanyakumari.
Development of the canal and ports is also expected to provide increased maritime security for Tamil Nadu.
Other Arguments
Safety, requirement of Constant Dredging, question arising on its suitability for Heavy Ships, time spent due to slow speed that would be necessary for passage in the canal, cost aspects... were some of the arguments put forth by Captain (retired) H Balakrishnan of the Indian Navy has to say about the project in an interview to Shobha Warrier of Rediff: In the case of the Suez and the Panama canals, ships save thousands of nautical miles in sailing distance and hundreds of hours in sailing time.The difference with the Sethu Samudram project is that the ships will probably save a few hundred miles and at the most two hours in sailing time.
Issues To Be Resolved
Some naval hydrographers and experts suggest that the project is unlikely to be financially viable or serve ships in any significant way. The savings for ships that originate from Kanyakumari or Tuticorin is between 10 and 30 hours. For ships from other destinations like the Middle East, Africa, Mauritius and Europe,the average savings by using this canal is just 8 hours.
At the present tariff rates, ships from Africa and Europe will lose $ 4,992 on every voyage, as the savings in time for these ships are considerably lower that what is calculated in the DPR. This loss is significant as 65% of the projected users of the canal are those from Africa and Europe. If tariffs are lowered to a point where ships from Africa and Europe will not lose any money from using the canal, the IRR of the project falls to 2.6%. This is a level at which even public infrastructure projects are rejected by the government.
Depth envisaged for this canal is designed for ships with weight of 30000 tonnes and less. Most of the new generation ships (with weight more than 60000 tonnes and tankers with weight above 150000 tonnes) cannot make use of this canal.
Cash Crunch For The Project
Axis Bank Ltd. was appointed “loan arranger” for the project in 2005.Since its inception in 2004, costs have skyrocketed to at least Rs 4,000 crore, interest rates have crawled higher and old loan terms have lapsed.Even before the first dredger began its work in 2005, costs had already spiralled to more than Rs 3,500 crore. The loan sanctions, valid only up to Rs 2,400 crore, lapsed. To secure more money, Sethusamudram Corp. Ltd would have to return to the drawing board, draw up new reports, sit with parliamentary committees and receive fresh approval.
The Environmental Impact Assessment carried out by the Indian government On July 2, 2005, the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh unveiled the Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project.The Project would disturb the ecological balance and would be the reason for the death of corals.It is also an important fishing ground for the state of Tamilnadu.There exists an Biological park in the vicinity of the proposed project.
Political And Economic
There have been concerns about the impact of dredging. Nevertheless, the economic benefits will be mutual for Sri Lanka as much as it is for India by reviving minor ports in Sri Lanka. The underdeveloped region of Northern Srilanka is currently occupied by LTTE. Sethu Samudram project could potentially allow economic benefits to this region. This is being viewed with mutual suspicion of both Sri Lankan and Tamil leaders. Further it is expected that in addition to Colombo, new ports to be developed near Jaffna. There has also been criticism expressed, on the basis that the project could damage relations with Sri Lanka.
This land bridge is the site of the famous Lord Rama's Bridge, making it a historical, religious and cultural monument of great significance. For this reason, many, including chief ministers of states, oppose the project.
While the age of the Ram Setu is disputed it's importance as a religious symbol in the minds of some Hindu's is not. Nevertheless, the Govt. of India through Mr. Nariman submitted before the Supreme Court of India on 22 july 2008 that “Kamba Ramayanam also expressly says the bridge was destroyed by Lord Ram so that no one can cross over to Sri Lanka and ships can sail through. Even the Telugu version of Ramayana says Lord Ram destroyed the bridge.”
End Of Article
I've heard from many sources about the exagerated claims of the sethu project. scam, impractical..etc. however these could be from hindu extremist groups.
ReplyDeletebut this one caught my attention.
[[[Sethusamudram - An Indepth Analysis
Posted on Mon Oct 1 2007 by Gurudev
CNN-IBN recently came up with an in-depth analysis report by looking at the Sethusamudram controversy, not just in terms of its religions nature, but also in terms of security risks, the ecological disaster, loss of livelihood for the local people, etc that would be caused by this project.
The most important thing that has to be noted in this report is the one mentioned below.
A Lie by ASI
The ASI/Govt of India which gave a new twist to the controversy over the Sethusamudram project last month by filing an affidavit in the Supreme Court saying that there is no Proof for Ram having built the Ram sethu, has now revealed to CNN-IBN that it has infact NEVER conducted any survey or research on the Ram sethu at all! Let me repeat it, ASI never conducted any research or survey about Ramsethu at all!!
Moreover, the ASI has also said that since the Ramsetu is not yet declared as a cultural/heritage site by the government, it does not come under its jurisdiction at all!!
Then how the hell did it file the affidavit with the supreme court saying there is no scientific evidence for man made construction in Ram sethu?
In other words not only did it file a false affidavit about a research which it never carried out, but by doing so, it has also LIED to the highest judicial authority of the country. This is how our government is functioning.
NOTE: ASI functions under the cultural ministry of the government of India.
In fact the news report also says that many ASI officials themselves think that the Ramsetu should have been declared as a natural heritage site long back!
Exaggerate Claims and Economic Miscalculations
“Costs outweigh the benefits”. This is what CNN-IBN reported about the economic viability of the project.
The economics of the project is based on the amount of time that this project will save for the ships traveling in the region, by not having to go all around Srilanka. While the project proponents claim that Sethusamudram canal will save 22 hours, the report says that the reality is quite different from the claims.
Ships coming from Africa and Europe will actually save only 8-12 hours if they use the canal, and even this time will not mean a lot of time saved, because the ships will have to actually slow down in the shallow waters of the Sethusamudram canal!
Ships coming from deep south like Mauritius will not use the canal because they will actually lose time if they do so!
Also, the project cost means that if the time saved becomes only 8-12 hours, then the ships will actually have to pay more than the money they save by this slightly shorter route!
Not only that, bulk carriers and tankers will actually find it difficult to navigate in this narrow channel, and also the cost of hiring an experienced pilot to cross the channel would again mean more costs to the ships!
If these are the economics behind the project, then we will hardly see any ships using the canal. Looks like the government is all set to create a deep-sea water amusement park in the region in the name of this Sethusamudram canal :)
Ecological Damage
The blasting of the coral reefs for the project will endanger not only the corals in the region but also the fishes in the sea, because the fishes use the corals as their breeding ground. Spread over 10000 sq kms this is India’s only marine bio-reserve!
Sea cucumbers, whales, sea weeds, corals, sea turtles, fishes etc will be almost wiped out in the region by the project. There are thousands of types of marine life forms in these seas. Dredging activities alone will wipe out the sea weeds and prevent coral formation by blocking sunlight.
There is no clearcut planning done about where will all the thousands of tons of dredged up sand be taken to! The plan simply says, ‘The dredged up sand will be dumped on wasteland‘! Even school kids do projects in a better way.
Sea cucumbers, etc in this region are all protected under the wild life protection act of 1972, and yet the project has not sought any clearance from the concerned wildlife departments! As the expert in the report says, this is a separate clearance required apart from the environmental clearance.
Blasting the sea beds will also impact whales and dolphins in the region. The report says that already few whales have died ever since the dredging started. Oil tankers and bulk carriers will pollute the marine biosphere in the region.
Loss of Livelihood
The local fishermen in the region say that this project will put an end to their means of livelihood in the region. The dredging machines in the region are already tearing off their fishing nets everyday. And the implementation of the project will also tear off their livelihood by destroying innumerable sea flora and fauna in the region.
Security Risks
Another stated project benefit is the reduction in time for vessels of Indian navy to travel between eastern and western coasts from 33 to 15 hours . The irony is that the government has not even consulted the navy and the coast guard about the security implications of the project! Why is the government moving with such a haste?
A naval expert questions the above claim of time saved, saying that the vessels of the Indian navy which usually travel at a speed of 15-20 knots when moving around srilanka as they do currently, will have to reduce their speed to 6-8 knots once they start moving in the Sethusamudram canal! So where is the gain?
Also, another concern raised by security experts is, the vast scope this canal would give to LTTE in srilanka. Its already a well known fact that LTTE has proven naval capabilities. What if the canal is held to ransom by LTTE? What if LTTE starts damaging the ships moving in the area?
Destruction of Heritage Site
Its altogether a different question as to whether the Ramsethu is natural or manmade, but either ways it deserves to be protected as a heritage site and research should be conducted about its origin and time line. No other country in the world would allow such a wonderful heritage site to be destroyed like this, instead it could be developed as a beautiful tourist spot.
Dirty Politics
While the DMK gave an Aryan-Dravidian color to the Sethusamudram controversy, the congress blamed the BJP of hypocrisy, hiding the true political picture.
And today DMK had planned to take political advantage of the situation by calling for a state wide bandh in Tamilnadu. Only DMK can do such a stupid thing, otherwise will a ruling party in power call for a bandh in its own state? How stupid of the DMK government to call for a Tamilnadu bandh and to try to bring the entire state to a stand still, causing inconvenience to the people. Thank god, we have a wonderful judiciary in the country, which not only termed the bandh unconstitutional, but also said today that,
“If there is no compliance with our order, it is complete breakdown of constitutional machinery. We will then have to direct the (central) government to impose President’s Rule. If this is attitude of the DMK government, the UPA government should not feel shy of dismissing it and imposing President’s Rule”.
Coming back to the Sethusamudram project, in spite of all the drawbacks, the government still wants to move ahead with the project, only because, as said in the CNN-IBN programme, the whales, the sea cucumbers, the fish, the corals etc in the seas of the project site DO NOT constitute a vote bank.
For those who claim that this mass destruction of nature is essential for developmental projects, please go through this link provided by a reader to see if there is ANY economic/developmental sense in this project.
Finally, about destroying the marine life forms in the seas….
What moral grounds will the humans have, if tomorrow a more powerful alien civilization invades earth and wants to destroy human civilization on this planet, to build a project what they consider is essential for the developmental activities of their alien civilization? What if for instance the aliens want to take away our sun to satisfy their energy needs?
There is a beautiful Telugu novel on similar lines by Yendamuri Veerendranath called “Cheekatilo suryudu” meaning Sun in the Dark. So please read that novel and then, let us sacrifice all the dirty politics under the dredging machines in the gulf of mannar.]]]
my personal feeling is that the indian party who really pushes for it will pay the price. issue is too hot. unlikely that BJP will push for it seriously. congress will be sitting ducks if they do it.
however if it progresses with the blessings of indian judiciary we should appoint an expert panel to closely monitor it & make reports. then we can target their weak points & make merry.
kapanna bari atha inbinna. wal ura kakuna thalana kota haban kukulata magul. something like that.